Want to help out?
No experience necessary, and varying levels of time commitment positions available!
The 60 boys in the pack need you!
Current Open Positions:
- Den Leaders: Work first hand with Hamilton's youth! Give leadership in carrying out the pack program in the den.
- Currently seeking Den Leaders for:
- Boys Tigers Den
- Boys Webelos Den
- Den Leaders Assistants: Assist the den leader as needed.
- Currently seeking Assistant Den Leaders for:
- BoysTigers Den
- Boys Webelos Den
- Secretary: The secretary ensures proper records are kept within the pack. This is a Pack Committee Position.
- Pinewood Derby Master: Responsible for verification and check-in for the Pinewood Derby. This fun event, where the Cub Scouts, some Boy Scouts and some adventurous Adults race Pinewood cars for fun and trophies. The Derby Master: weighs the cars to verify they are eligible to compete, assigns a unique car number, and assists in running the races. Other supporting folks handle the timing of races, race heat assignments, and other aspects of the event. This is a Parent Helper Position.
- Assistant Popcorn Kernel: For 2018-19 fundraising drive, we need an assistant willing to help out and "learn the ropes" as part of a transition to being the Kernel next year. The Popcorn Kernel manages the Popcorn Fundraiser for the Pack, working with Council and the Boys to manage the process. There are other helpers, but we need a single Kernel (Chair) to oversee the project. This is a Parent Helper Position.
The pack needs fresh faces, no matter the level of experience. Come to a Committee / Pack Leadership Meeting and find out! The meetings are held the 1st Tuesday of the month at 7 pm at Sweet D's Cafe behind the Hamilton Food Center. Contact our Committee Chair at